
Client Overview

EvolveHer provides curated resources, tools and connections to help advance women personally & professionally. They started as a physical space and are moving their community online. EvolveHer opened her doors January 2018 as Chicago's first event & workspace designed for women. Over the past two years EvolveHer has hosted 750+ events, connected over 70,000 women and worked with top thought-leaders, corporations, disruptors & change-makers.

Project Overview

EvolveHer is mid transition from an in-person co-working space to an online digital resource hub and community for women. To help EvolveHer make this transition it’s essential to find and highlight what users love about the EvolveHer experience and bring that to their web presence. Currently, EvolveHer would like to focus on the overall user experience and flow of their website. The site struggles with consistency across its UX language and features.


UX/UI Designer

Lead Visual Designer




3 Week Sprint



Research Methods


Project Goals

Hi-Fidelity Prototype: 

shows consistency throughout features of the site

Detailed Site Map: 

highlight revisions and explain reasoning for new structure 

Usability Tests: 

show that users are able to navigate the site with ease (find events, search directory, review member highlights, etc.)



We conducted 6 interviews, 3 with current EvolveHer members and 3 with non-members.

Questions for EvolveHer Members

  • What drew you to join EvolveHer? When did you join, and how did you find the community?
  • What is most impactful about being a part of the EvolveHer community? Why?
  • How has EvolveHer maintained connection and community throughout COVID?
  • What type of virtual engagement keeps you informed and included? Why?
  • Are you a part of any other professional (or other) communities?
  • What do you find beneficial about these communities?
  • What services or platforms do you use for networking?
  • How do you use social media? Why? Do you use it personally? Professionally? How frequently?
  • Do you engage more frequently on social media through an app? What about those apps are better than using the web version?

Questions for Non-EvolveHer Members

  • Have you used a co-working space before?
  • If you have not used a co-working space, why?
  • If you have stopped using a co-working space, what made you stop?
  • If you have used a co-working space what is the appeal?
  • How has/was your co-working space engaged with you or other members during COVID? What type of programming, networking, etc. have they provided?
  • What made your co-working experience good or bad?
  • What, if anything, do you miss about an office environment since COVID?
  • What would you hope to get out of an online community?
  • What are features of a physical or online work environment you would be willing to pay for?
  • Do you use LinkedIn, Meetup, Facebook, etc. to broaden your personal or professional network? Which sites do you use and why?
  • Have you been interested in a networking resource (similar to LInkedIn) that is more personalized? What types of communities would be of greatest interest to you? (ex. female run businesses, cooking, calligraphy, softball, gaming, etc.) Why?
  • What other types of online communities do you belong to? Why those?


Survey Data

Competitive & Comparative Analysis


All of these business are capturing a female and female-identifying audience. Each company offers something a little different that sets them apart.

  • The Wing has 12+ locations and the most nationwide visibility
  • The Riveter is an entirely virtual community with original content
  • The Slate offers amenities not found at other coworking spaces (audio and video recording studios)

EvolveHer’s Competitive Edge:
Multi-generational & hyper-local community, like-minded individuals, personal attention from the CEO, and event space


Affinity Mapping

After conducting interviews we used the responses to create an affinity map, grouping similar ideas together to identify patterns.


Interview Insights

From our affinity map we came up with these "I" Statement groupings and listed some possible ways to address them.

“I want relevant content because my screen-time is precious.”

How this could be addressed:

  • Month calendar view of EVENTS so users can plan ahead
  • Highlight featured series so most current/relevant content is quickly accessible

“I support women of different ages and backgrounds and want to be surrounded by this community.”

How this could be addressed:

  • Highlight members of the COMMUNITY to add a personal touch a & feel less corporate
  • Incorporate new & relevant testimonials

“I want to explore and share resources so that I continue to grow personally and professionally.”

How this could be addressed:

  • RESOURCES devoted to strengthening the community & promoting networking and education
  • Highlight Featured content relevant to the community and the times

User Cards

We worked with the founder of EvolveHer to identify the 3 distinct user types, then used our research to pinpoint their core needs.


Journey Map

We created a journey map of a new users first experience on the existing EvolveHer website as a way to illustrate the pain points.


The Ideal User Journey


We created another visual to illustrate the ideal user journey as an EvolveHer member. Users would come for content, engage with what's new, stay for events, & continually return for new curated content.


Site Map

Following our research, we addressed the site map, which needed to be updated to reflect the business transition.  

Current vs. Revised Site Map

The new navigation features the three areas of focus: COMMUNITY, RESOURCES & EVENTS

OUR COMMUNITY - One of the things that sets EvolveHer apart from their competitors is their diverse community of women. It's important for new users to see who makes up that community. This is also where users could get a glimpse of the communities and conversations on EvolveHer's Mighty Network site, that is exclusively for members.

RESOURCES - This drop down was previously the VOICES drop down. As EvolveHer becomes an online community and resource hub it's important for users to quickly and easily identify the content they're looking for. The VOICES title was not as quickly identifiable/understandable to users as RESOURCES. 

EVENTS - We expanded the EVENTS drop down to include: Calendar, Add Event, and Featured Series sections.  

 Since growing EvolveHer's membership is crucial, we decided to add a banner above the navigation where users can click BECOME A MEMBER anytime (shown in wireframes). To simplify the navigation we moved the MEMBERSHIP section to the ABOUT drop down.

Design Studio

(Low-Fidelity Wireframes)

After we revised the site map, we ran a design studio to get a visual idea of what we were each thinking the site would look like after our redesign. 

Sketch By Elizabeth Goldman
Sketches By Shaun Roderick

Mid-Fidelity Wireframes

After sharing our low-fidelity sketches, we went over our design decisions for each page and made a list of our 'must-haves.' It was then my job to consolidate our ideas into mid-fidelity wireframes.


Style Guide

Before starting on the high-fidelity wireframes we established a style guide. Here is a sample of the style guide that was created. 


High-Fidelity Wireframes

After several rounds of usability testing with our low and mid-fidelity wireframes we created our high-fi version. These are the wireframes that were presented to the client and used for the final clickable prototype.


Prototype Walkthrough

What was accomplished?

  • We created a framework for EvolveHer to use and edit as they grow their content and community. EvolveHer can use this framework and decide what content they want to be available to anyone and what they want to be exclusive to their members.
  • We brought EvolveHer's stand-out features, COMMUNITY, RESOURCES & EVENTS, to the forefront of their website, where they are quickly and easily accesible to users.
  • We brought unifying consistency to their websites UI. 

Future Considerations

  • Consider moving the site to a single platform, where members can log in so users don't have to go between EvolveHer's main site and their Mighty Networks site. 
  • Implement AI to provide curated content for individuals based on their profile.

Design files were handed off & the updates are projected to go live in 2021

Sydney Lyckman

UX & UI Designer

(512) 923-7882

Cedar Park, TX 78613
© Sydney Lyckman 2021